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New and feeling of hopelessnessViews: 1500
Jun 21, 2006 2:30 amNew and feeling of hopelessness#

Hello All,

I am new. I have a question. My home office feels like it is chasing me sometime. I just can't seem to get it organized and keep it that way. Is there a system in place where I can keep it organized after I get it that way?


Private Reply to Msfinancialsavvy.com

Jul 02, 2006 5:42 pmre: New and feeling of hopelessness#

Monica Ricci
I am sorry to tell you that there is no magic bullet. Just like anything else in life, the secret to long term benefit is maintenance. You brush and floss your teeth daily. You get your hair cut every 6 to 8 weeks perhaps. You do laundry several times per month. You change your car's oil every 3,000 miles. You get a physical each year. You do the dishes every day or two.

When you think about it, most everything in life requires regular attention, aka MAINTENANCE to some degree or another. The frequency varies, based on the activity, but it's all a part of life. Organizing your office is no different. Your first step is to set up simple organizing systems that work for you, and your next step is to USE those systems consistently.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it's just the way it works.


Private Reply to Monica Ricci

Jul 25, 2006 12:15 pmre: New and feeling of hopelessness#

Clare Evans
Hi Lois,

You need to find some systems that work for you and then spend some time getting things organized around those systems. You can read any number of books that will tell you how to do this and suggest various systems but you need to find one that works for you and your way of working.

What is it you need to organize? Paperwork, accounts, clients, etc...

What do you need to keep it organized? Space, folders, files, trays, bin!, electronic processing, someone else!

Think about what you do on a daily basis and then look at ways to improve how you do them. It's like any new habit and it won't happen overnight. Find what works best for you and then start doing it. As Monica said - it's about maintenance. Do a little often and then it won't become so chaotic.

If everything has a place it 'should' be in, then it's easier to spend a few minutes at the end of each day clearing things away than letting it build up to a state of chaos again.

You won't get it right first time but keep tweaking and adjusting and turn your bad habit into a new good habit. If you slip back into the old ways of doing things, catch yourself and switch back into 'new habit'. If you can work with a friend or colleague to keep each other on track that will make life easier.


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Private Reply to Clare Evans

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