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Intro from VOAViews: 1386
Jan 26, 2007 6:07 pmIntro from VOA#

Susan McCool

My name is Susan McCool and I own a Virtual Assistant business called Virtual Office Associates. We offer office, marketing, web help and more to small and home based businesses. Virtual Office Associates isn’t just your typical VA service. I have put together a TEAM of professionals in different fields so that we can offer an array of talents to virtually every company.

A little about me…

I am a WAHM of 2 beautiful children – a 2 ½ yr old boy and a 3 month old girl. I have two gorgeous pitbulls that will be 4 yrs old this year. And a supportive SO that would really like my business to be the success I dream it to be. We all live in North Central Florida, originally coming from West Palm Beach, FL. I love to be “mommy”, read, write, garden, scrapbook, craft, learn new things (I am a learn-a-holic) and anything computer related.

I look forward to learning more about everyone else here! If you ever have any questions about any of the services I provide, whether it be a do-it-yourself project or one for me, please don’t hesitate to ask!


Susan McCool
Virtual Office Associates | Professionals at your fingertips!

*~*~ Receive 10% commission on the final bill of any NEW client you refer to VOA! ~*~*


Private Reply to Susan McCool

Feb 09, 2007 3:40 pmre: Intro from VOA#

*Katie Farmer
welcome Susan. I'm a virtual calender clerk. Who is just starting out and am working on building a clintel. How do I market my value? I have many people tell me my price is to high because google can do the job for free. a few business experts say my price is perfect. any ideas on how I can create a good marketing message on my ryze page to add value to my services and the prospective clients can see that it all makes since. Why its best to delgate to someone else?

any help would be appreciated

Private Reply to *Katie Farmer

Feb 09, 2007 11:17 pmre: re: Intro from VOA#

Susan McCool
Hi Katie...

I saw your post on VAU, too...so first let me say welcome to Ryze :)

Your value is YOU. Google is a machine. It can only do what it is setup to you. You, on the other hand, can do much, much more. I would compare the features Google's free service has to yours and see where you excel. Make sure you make that known! Use it has a comeback when someone says....oh well Google is FREE. I think once you do the comparison, you might be able to get a better picture of where you fit in with your service. The basic answer is....it saves them time....helps them stay on schedule and keep appointments....saves them from "forgetting"....is there even when they are on the road or away from their computer...etc..etc..etc...

I ho[e that answers your questions...if not just give me a buzz :)


Susan McCool
Virtual Office Associates | Professionals at your fingertips!

Have you created your PASSION PANEL? Not sure what that is? Contact me for more details.

Come join the Virtual Professional Alliance network and start building those strong business and social relationships you came to Ryze to find - http://vpa-network.ryze.com/


Private Reply to Susan McCool

Feb 10, 2007 2:51 pmre: re: re: Intro from VOA#

*Katie Farmer
thanks so much Susan that does help. I never thought to create an Ad that shows that the free google is a machine. I know a friend of mine who uses this and still forgets her appointments. She insists it still works for her. thats a great point. I will have to research what Google has.

I know they can't ask you questions to make sure you have all you need. they can't offer organizing tips and suggestions to make your day run smoother. They can't set you up on a simple housekeeping system so theres more hours in your day to accomplish the other tasks at hand.

they can't ease your load so you have time for your family.

Private Reply to *Katie Farmer

Feb 10, 2007 5:59 pmre: re: re: re: Intro from VOA#

Susan McCool
WoW...I had a lot of typos in that post. From your reply, I have another question to help steer you....

Is your business a reminder service, an organization service or both?

If you offer organizaton services, are you charging for that? Are you marketing that? Is it another product or just a part of that $30/mo package? Have you thought about writing articles about organization? Of course, don't give away all your secrets...you'll have nothing to sell!

Susan McCool
Virtual Office Associates | Professionals at your fingertips!

Private Reply to Susan McCool

Mar 09, 2008 9:37 pmre: re: Intro from VOA#

Maria Marsala
The value is in the results you help your clients accomplish. For example, most of my clients
double their incomes (at least)
have more time for fun things
make better decisions
make fewer mistakes.

Get a pad out and write down, from the clients viewpoint, what you help them accomplish.

And remember. McDonald hamburger maybe 2 bucks, but at Smith and Wollensky's, its closer to 10. There is room for all of us to provide our services.

The other thing is to create an ideal client profile -- and start attracting clients who will pay you the big bucks.

Private Reply to Maria Marsala

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