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setting myself on a business schuduleViews: 1513
Jun 09, 2007 8:55 pmsetting myself on a business schudule#

*Katie Farmer
I need some help setting myself up on a business schudule.
I want to work 5 days a week Monday-Friday 8am-12 noon.

I want to do advertising online and offline
write articles about mineral make up
set up a business blog
offline advertising
develop leadership skills to lead my team
generate customer sales
anyone who can organize me on a schudule I would appreciate it.

Private Reply to *Katie Farmer

Sep 01, 2007 3:26 pmre: setting myself on a business schudule#

Cioaca Virgil
Hi Katie,

Many of us have or had the same problem like yours, but you are the only person who schedule your life, and it takes a little time to acomplish that.
Start slowly, in te first week schedule just important tasks, in the second week make your list longer and set priorities to your tasks, in the third week try to plan your day hour by hour and respect that schedule.

I recommend my software to organize your life, it's simple, easy to use but it has all necessary features to get started.

If you have any questions you can post here.

Have a good day

Private Reply to Cioaca Virgil

Sep 01, 2007 3:54 pmre: re: setting myself on a business schudule#

Monica Ricci
You might consider "batching" your tasks... do all your blogging one day and set the posts to release throughout the week. Do all your articles about mineral makeup one day, etc. This keeps you focused on ONE task at a time, which is infinitely more productive and effective than jumping from task to task because you have to constantly shift your mindset and mode.

Also, see if there is anything you can outsource that YOU don't have to do yourself, but just needs to get done. There are virtual and actual assistants that are ready to help you with some of the tasks you aren't so quick or good at, or that you don't enjoy.


Host of the weekly radio show, Organization Nation, Tuesdays
at noon Eastern time on http://www.RadioSandySprings.com

Private Reply to Monica Ricci

Sep 02, 2007 1:07 am re: setting myself on a business schudule#

Diane Drabek
I struggle with it too. And I agree batch it.

I plan on set a time limit on the tasks. For me to spend one hole morning on it is too much because I homeschool too. So for me it will be an hour and 1/2 then I will need to move on.

I also am doing more budgeting. I send bulk samples to folks to hand out to there customers or friends. And I have set a limit because the time it took to make them was eating away. I also make up catalog envelopes and letters once a month right down to the postage. Then I only have to address them and add the name to the letter. I am going to start doing that with my samples too.


Private Reply to Diane Drabek

Jan 09, 2008 7:38 pmre: setting myself on a business schudule#

Bridgette Boudreaux
Hi Katie,

Organizing your business schedule is important. You have made great progress by identifying what you want to do. Use your list and write tasks for each project then schedule the tasks on your planner accordingly.

For Example:

Advertising Off and online
Sign up for google ppc (pay for click ads)
Create a banner ad
Attend a trade show

Now schedule those tasks on your planner

9:00 am - Sign up for google ppc
10:00 am Create banner ad

You get the point, break projects into smaller daily tasks & schedule them on your planner. This will get you started with planning your schedule.

If you need additional assistance, let me know.

"I Teach Female Small Biz Owners To Get It All Done - In 6 Hrs. or Less Daily!"

Bridgette Boudreaux
Business Coach & Time Management Expert
Get my free report: 39 Quick & Simple Time Tips, visit: www.yourtime2soar.com

Private Reply to Bridgette Boudreaux

Mar 09, 2008 9:29 pmre: setting myself on a business schudule#

Maria Marsala
I'd create a plan -- check out http://www.TheResourceQueen.com/favorites/businessplans.html

I've use the process to help clients go from working 30 days a month to 1 day..:) or from 0 hours to 20.

Private Reply to Maria Marsala

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